In our first year I was hopeful to receive a handful of applications. To my surprise, we received so many more. I read through them over and over and wish I could award each and every one because they are all so deserving. However, there was one application that really stuck with me. This person had the grades, they had the good remarks from teachers, they had aspirations but they also had an entire page full of acts of service. As a senior, this person had “helped” more people by actively devoting her time, extending her kindness than I had in my 40 years. She has accomplished things that I have only wanted to do.
This student saw ugly in every form you could imagine whether it be to her directly or to ones that she loved. She saw that life just sucked sometimes but she still chose to do more by being herself; strong, kind, and an example for others. In the end, success is not measured in dollars but rather in character and humanity. This girl has it all.
It is with great pleasure I introduce you to our first recipient of The Kemberly Ramer Memorial Scholarship, Miss Mary Ann Hollinghead.
Mary Ann has participated in the dual enrollment program and will be attending Auburn University to pursue a degree in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Chemistry. She graduates in the top 20% of her class. When not at school or on the field during a football game, Miss Hollinghead spent her time helping with a number of community outreach programs such as Full Tummy, Shoebox Ministry, Backpack Ministry as well as working part time. Mary Ann is the student every teacher wants, the child every parent hopes to have, and the young adult that everyone should be proud of. Congratulations, Mary Ann!!